Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Lately, all my time has been spent up at Rodeo for Junior League. I have been having a fabulous time but very much missing my family.

Here's the "office". Notice the stack of programs? We will stuff and sell over 15,000 over the three weeks of performances!

Loves from last year :)

More committee

Sellers I had

And this cutie would come visit with Daddy every so often!

Only 5 more days left


Kiley loves to clap! It's a new trick and is absolutely adorable. She especially loves when you say yea Kiley and get excited for her. She melts my heart!

UCC Week 17 & 18

This week was picture week! Lew insisted she had to wear purple. Imagine that?! We will soon find out how they turned out :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Real Santa

It's been awhile ladies ( would include men but we all know this here blog is geared towards those with only an X chromosome). Recap of one of the latest escapades kelly and kiley have involved me in. Most notably is the whole Santa costume. Kelly, sweet mother that she is wanted to have a little Xmas party at the house one week with all of kileys friends, moms in tow, since their "school" was off that week. Que candy canes, cupcakes that look like a snowman, personalized reindeer hats for all the kids, champagne maybe a little before noon for the moms, and oh yeah.... a surprise visit from a real life Santa! and thus my involvement in such party becomes clear. I am usually fair game for whatever holiday/party the ole wifey signs me up to take part in, strict rule/disclaimer though, I will/have to be amply supplied with coors light prior to festivities beginning. Santa apparently was stopping in funkytown on a Wednesday at 11AM, so the father of kiley would have to work per and post party, so strict rule could not be enforced for this event.
So I had painstakingly been growing some beautiful locks of hair that made a kick ass, mountain man, don't fuck with the bearded guy, beard. Which made the cut for kileys newborn or 3 month pictures but got the ax for the 6 month pics (yeah- Kelly likes pictures), so woulda been legit to die the beard white and at least have a sliver of realism for the costume. But alas, fake white beard over my future locks. So.... beard-check, red suit-check, gay hat-check, white (fake) beard-check, goofy belt-check, red bag full of presents-check. 11:15AM Santa arrives to cheers from the crowd. Takes a seat and is ready for the little ones to tell Santa what they want for Christmas (if they've been good). Since this fairy tale adventure I have made a new rule, if Santa makes an appearance kids must be over 2 or something. 80% were not enticed by a jolly sober Santa with a bag full of gifts to hop up on his lap. Yeah, half were not okay with being in the same room as Santa, others just looked and stared like I was some random dude on the street that talks to himself, cool to look but no where near cool enough to touch. The only ones that engulfed themselves to such treasures that were in that big ole red bag were ones that didn't have much choice (I.e. couldn't walk, talk, etc). Santa's appearance was brief and all in all painless, although those damn suits are fucking hot, it was a good memory in the end, so my thanks to kiley's mom for recruiting Santa for her little party, though for the future Santa prefers the afternoon/evening arrival.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Project 365

So I'm attempting the Project 365 (well technically 366 since it's a leap year). Anyhow, basically you take a picture everyday. I've decided to go an easier route and use my phone and add a description so I can remember what she was up to. Here are the first 15 days. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We will miss y'all!

Our dear friends (and family), The Parker's, have sold their house, packed their bags and headed to Abilene to own a Chicken Express. We are so excited for them and the new venture but will miss them terrible! We always had so much fun with them! It was perfect because the husbands would drink beer and look at ranch photos, and we would drink our wine and play with Kiley and Hugh. I know we will still see them often, but it's not the same as living a few minutes away with impromptu play dates. We love y'all dearly and wish y'all so much success- but hurry back here ;)

UCC week 15 & 16

The Christmas break is over and UCC is back in full swing-I love it! Last week I was busy running errands. This week I accomplished a few tasks- grocery store, buybuybaby and sports authority trip, got dinner cooking in crockpot, laundry, dished washer done, and a clean kitchen! Felt like I had accomplished a few things before the afternoon.

Excuse the pictures of my hot mess of a child- the pictures were taken after school and of course she was so dirty and ready for a nap.

Week 15

Week 16

It was rainy and chilly today so she was all bundled up :)