Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rat Tails

This has been a pet peeve of mine since I could see, and now life has come full circle. Why the hell do parents not cut baby's hair when they are balding in the back and only have a sliver of hair. Quit holding on to "the last little thing that reminds you of when she was o so small," it's a rat tail now, cut it. I knew when my child reached that stage in life I would snip snip that little ponytail, so she would not get made fun of in public. I did not anticipate the mother of my child to be one to "hold on to that part if her." It was a short debate, I will not lie, I on the losing end. But I stand firm in my stance, that shit gatta go. I can see it now: Kelly: "where's Kiley?" Mountain Man: "oh, she's at the neighbor's, you know those folks two trailer's down. Playing with Cledus, the one with the matching rat tail/mullet. Kelly:"who?" Mountain Man: " oh you know Cledus, his dad thats also his uncle and second cousin"

Yeah, rat tails can have that effect. Cut em often and early, if not we have room in our double wide for you.

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