Wow- 5 months already? My little priss just keeps getting bigger and bigger. This month has been full of being much more active and learning new tricks.The best part of this month was Kiley giggling with Lew. It was absolutely adorable! He had her belly laughing and laughing up a storm one night before bath time. We can officially find our pacifer in our crib and put it back in our mouth to fall back asleep-wow. I watched her do it on the monitor this afternoon and just sat in amazement and a little sadness. She is becoming more dependent and aware of everything and I love it (just continues to remind me that my itty bitty newborn is gone). She has such a cute little personality and is very happy. It melts my heart to get her from her crib in the morning because she gets the biggest smile when she sees me. So sweet! She loves to talk and blow bubbles with her lips. She is getting very close to sitting up by herself. She also enjoys grabbing her feet. Its so cute watching her roll like a rolly polly with her legs pulled up. She loves to play in her Baby Einstein and go in circles playing with all the different toys. Well, she doesn't "play" with them until she is done eating them! We are in a stage where everything goes directly to her mouth. She enjoys grabbing things- that includes Mommys hair and Daddys beard (I was hoping it would encourage the husband to shave but instead its encouraging me to cut my hair short). We still wear size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. We eat 4 times a day and sleep from 7:30-8, and take 3 naps during the day. We are starting on foods tomorrow so this should be an interesting month. Since we started her on rice cereal she has gained 2 pounds in 3 weeks- little chunk! Guess she enjoys eating like her momma. Of course, Lady loves Kiley eating foods now because she gets to lick her clean. Overall, it has been a fun month with a much more active baby.
love to grab my feet
so happy :)
and we are done
Some First this month:
-We attended our First Friends birthday parties- Charlie and Emme Cate! They were so much fun. We are so blessed to have great baby friends and wonderful mommy friends.
- Barley cereal
- Prunes (I used the organic Plum brand- and it definitely works)
-Dove hunt out at SOR
- First fall out of bed
- First belly laugh giggling
- Meeting her Great Grandmother from New Jersery- GG. Kiley just loved her!
We are still loving UCC and TCU music class. I'm trying to slow down our schedule a little bit because I definitely had been getting us involved and doing way too much each day. I know try and limit us to one activity a day. Monday or Fridays are for lunch dates (but try for us to stay home one of these days), Tuesday- UCC, Wednesday- Music Class, Thursday- Playdates. Since we are really trying to nail down the nap times, I am trying to be home when its time to put her down so she can get a good nap in her crib. So far so good! Hopefully next month goes just as great! Thank you Lord for allowing me to be Kileys mommy and giving me such a perfect blessing.
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