I figured I would update everyone on what we have been up to lately and how I am feeling.
Out and About:
On Thursday and Friday we headed to Abilene for one last trip away before I can't leave anywhere. At 36 weeks (that's Thursday-omigosh!) the doctor said I can't go more than an hr away from her. So I definitely have been getting stir crazy and Lews parents had been in Israel, so we figured it was the perfect little trip to make. We got to play with our sweet little nieces, spend some family time and ofcourse went to the Ranch. It was a great little getaway. Saturday our friends Emily and Will had a day party that was so much fun! I didn't take a nap that day and was exhausted by the time we got home. Emily made some white Sangria and I was so jealous of the girls drinking it. I can't wait for a cocktail once Baby K arrives!
On the Home front:
We finally got Baby K her chandelier and I love it! Lew even helped me pick it out. Now it just needs to get hung. Her nursery is slowly but surely coming together. I just need to order her a rug, wait for her bedding to get made by my talented Aunt, get a side table, lamps and hang some things on the wall. I know it's a lot- but I keep telling myself its just a few minor things. As far as our house goes, I got us new outdoor furniture and I love it. Lady and I have been spending time out there relaxing and reading baby books. I just finished Babywise and I am onto Happiest Baby on the Block. I also have been going through boxes and throwing things away or donating them- we have so much crap.
How I am feeling:
Swollen! Ha. After we got home Saturday my feet were sooooo swollen! They were huge and Lew and I just laughed at my sausage feet. I will say that they do hurt when they start swelling. I have been drinking lots of water and trying to keep my feet propped but I get bored. I definately can't shop like I use to :( my feet start hurting so bad that I head home. I think this is Gods way to slowly slow down my shopping sprees. I know once the Baby arrives those all day and frequent mall trips wont be happening so much anymore. So rather than going through withdraws later he is slowly detoxing me now-haha! Also, my groin area muscles hurt and are so sore. I am also now getting pretty uncomfortable at night and during the day a little. My back hurts here and there but usually feels better the next day. But i do consider myself super lucky and blessed- it could be way worse!
All and all things are going great around here. I attempted to make some hair bows the other day and let's just say I need more practice. I just refuse to pay someone $8-12 for a hairbow. So I am determined to make her some. Also, sweet little Lady has been needing extra love and attention. It has been so funny. At night when Lew and I are rubbing my belly or watching it she comes and puts her head near our hands to pet her also. At one point she literally propped herself down right on top of lew with her head on his chest. We both just laughed and he told her she was being more needy than mommy. Ha! Wednesday we have our 36 week appointment and will find out more details on when Baby K might arrive. I can't believe we are down to 4 weeks?!? Where did the time go? It's a bitter sweet feeling right now. I have truly enjoyed watching and feeling Gods miracle grow in my belly and I enjoy being pregnant-so I am a little sad my once very round belly will become flat (or flat compared to being 9 months pregnant) and I will be holding her. Wow. So unreal. God picked me to be a mommy?! So exciting. A little nerve racking. I can only hope and pray that I will be half the mother that my mom and Lews mom have been. I know God has a perfect plan for our little bundle of joy and for our family and I need to trust in him.
Fit at 50 | Update (Weeks 7 & 8)
14 hours ago
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