5cm; (half way there) -2 Position.
Just chilling in delivery room, I took a lil nap on this crappy sofa pull out shit, that people try and talk up like its a luxury, my ass luxury. Don't act like I was snoozing; while my poor lil ole wife was all in pain and trying to deliver a baby and I'm off in the corner dreaming of Purple Coors Light. She was konked out on that epidural crap. Speaking of which I watched as they put that epi in, shit is crazy; needle to spine insert wire/tube thing, looked like some sci fi movie, like at any moment she would turn into some alien and eat me.
If I hear one more thing from somebodies coworkers sister cousin that drank caster oil and the baby came, walked a mile and baby came, fell down baby shot out. I made Kelly sit in an Amon G. Carter Stadium seat (yes I bought 2) then played TCU Fight song and BAM, next exit hospital. So that's the only thing that works you crazy asses.
Also, watching "girl on girl" action every hour is kinda weird, this is the most "lesbian experiences" she has had that I know about. And just saw another experimental moment most have in college, and its 8cm.
8cm, almost there. they tell us we push at 10cm. so its moving along. In the countdown to hearing how Kelly really feels about me, I'm usually drunk for this kind of honesty.
Fit at 50 | Update (Weeks 7 & 8)
14 hours ago
Wait, what? What's the difference between 8 am, pushing at 10 am, and it's almost 3 o'clock your time???